
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Visit bu Andre Domine

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mischa rocks it at the Michelangelo Awards

Monday, August 17, 2009
Mischa wins medal in Zurich

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Our Awseome Soils

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fire in the sky
Monday, July 6, 2009
ENO WorldWine

Reviews by eckhard supp (german)
(translated directly from German!!)
**** | Eventide VNS 2008: straw yellow, beautiful fruit and spice in the nose, juice and fruit on the palate, a little bit of expression and length on the palate |
**** | Eventide Sauvignon Blanc 2008: pale straw in the nose clean, but not overly expressive, fruity on the palate and solid acid structure, nice length |
*** | Eventide Viognier 2008: straw yellow, behave in the nose, not too spicy, a little apple, straight on the palate, fresh, but without much expression and depth |
***** | Mischa Cabernet Sauvignon 2005: dark, fresh ruby with purple edges, very deep flavors with fruit and balsamic notes, solid texture, very young, but classic and adaptable tannins, good potential |
**** | Eventide Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon 2006: fresh red licorice and blackberries in the nose, even vegetal traces behind, dense, robust, but also enormous amount of sharpness in the sticky tannins |
**** | Mischa Cerno 2007: dense, fresh red, very unusual nose, vegetal stinker like young Tempranillo, behind much sweet candy, solid, classical structure on the palate, yet totally unfinished wine, wait |
*** | Mischa Merlot 2007: dark, fresh ruby, sweet berry scent, aromatic pretty good depth, little depth on the palate, a little too sticky tannins, hardly length in severance |
**** | Mischa Shiraz 2006: dense, fresh Rubin, blueberries, black cherries, lots of substance and juice, spicy length in severance, tannins and a trace of something undefined and sticky in the finish |
**** | Mischa Eventide Shiraz 2006: dark, fresh Rubin, quite deep, spicy cherry fruit, even subtle spiciness on the palate, behind but little depth or texture, nice, fresh drinking wine |
Friday, June 26, 2009
Steven Spurrier tastes Mischa Wines
Steven Spurrier
Steven Spurrier is founder of both the Academie du Vin and the Christie's Wine Course and he is consultant editor for Decanter. Steven has one of the most respected palates in the trade
Tasting of Mischa Estate Wines.

Mischa Merlot 2007.
Fine blackcurrant red, fine expression of crushed red-black berry fruits, good freshness, quite fleshy and also quite spicy Merlot, good velvety middle, but a bit raw still around the edges and tannins and alcohol quite present, but very fresh, quite crunchy fruit, good acidity, probably young vines but both appealing and classy, better in 6 months. 2009-13.
Mischa Shiraz 2007.
Deep black-red with purple rim, fine, quite controlled aroma of black fruits, black cherry jam (dense, not sweet) fine purity of expression of rich, ripe fruit on the palate, fleshy and lightly spicy, good fruit tannins and enough acidity to hold the fruit, a polished Shiraz, quite elegant, more forward than the Merlot, but more depth of fruit. 2009-15.
Fine black cherry red, just a little paler on the rim, attractive crushed fruit nose, elegant with good ripeness veering towards jamminess, same impression on the palate, nice natural tannins and oak blended in to add a little firmness, good Cabernet Sauvignon directness of flavour, fruity, quite forward style, nicely balanced. 2009-14.

Good deep blackcurrant red, nice expression of crushed black berry fruit, quite ripe and open, just a hint of Cabernet’s leafiness on the nose and also has a leafy, slightly green
finish after quite a fleshy middle palate, oak seems to be tightening it up and better to drink this before it tightens up any further. 2009-10.
Rich blackcurrant red, black berry fruit, slightly smoky nose, well-defined and less spicy than is usual from Shiraz, smooth and fruity, nice approachable style, possibly a little sweet (for me) in the easy, open rather blackcurrant jam style, natural tannins and acidity perk it up on the finish, an agreeable, straightforward wine. 2009-11.
The striking thing about these wines is the purity of fruit, quite open, quite vibrant and quite expressive. The 2007s have more depth than the 2006s and especially the 2005, and the style of wine is very attractive. They are also reasonably priced.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
7de Laan-paartjie ‘oe’ en ‘aa’ oor Mischa se nektar
Koning Edward VII van Engeland het gesê dat mens nie net wyn drink nie; jy ruik dit, kyk daarna, proe dit, sluk dit ... en gesels dan daaroor.
En dis presies wat ons gedoen het die dag met die besoek aan die Mischa-wynlandgoed daar by Wellington. Dis nou jors troelie, die bekende televisie- en verhoogkunstenaars Jody Abrahams en Diaan Lawrenson, en Andrew Barnes, die wynmaker van Mischa.
O ja, Andrew se broer Gary en sy verloofde Rachel Carrigan was ook daar om die dag ‘n wonderlike ervaring en herrinnering te maak.
Maar eers so ietsie oor Mischa (021-864-1020). Hierdie pragtige landgoed aan die voet van die Groenberg met sy panoramiese uitsigte op die Hawekwaberge in die ooste en die golwende Wellington- en Bergriviervalleie so ver as Tafelberg in die suide is een van die drie grootste kwekers van wingerdstokkies in die suidelike halfrond. Sy wyne word onder die Mischa- en Eventide-handelsmerke bemark wat veral bekend is vir shiraz, merlot en cabernet sauvignon. Maar moenie die witwyne wat Andrew nou ook hier maak, vergeet nie!
Wellington is so vyf minute se ry weg, maar die hele omgewing bied jou vele staproetes, bergfietsroetes, roei, swem, perdry en gholf. Daar is selfs ‘n natuurreservaat binne trefafstand.
Die landgoed se naam is afgelei van dié van ‘n Russiese balletdanser, ene Mikael van die Ballet Russe, wat die dansmaat van Andrew se ouma was. Mischa is die Russiese bynaam vir Mikael. Andrew se oupa het die plaas net na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog gekoop, wat van hom die derde geslag Barnes op Mischa maak.
Wat Bacchus se gaste vir die dag betref, geen bekendstelling is nodig nie. Diaan, oftewel Paula van 7de Laan, en Jody, of Donovan van 7de Laan, is ‘n paartjie wat die afgelope ruk gereeld in die kollig was. Ek het Jody die eerste keer gesien in die musiekblyspel Kat en die Kings in die Baxter-teater ‘n hele paar jaar gelede.
Benewens dat die twee kort na ons besoek aan Mischa verloof geraak het, is hulle ook vennote in ‘n restaurant op Villiersdorp, The Dagbreek Restaurant & Museum (028-840-2126) wat glo in kontreikos spesialiseer. Ek en vroulief sal eendag moet deurry soontoe!
Bo: Gary, Rachel, Andrew, Jody en Diaan stel 'n heildronk in op 'n heerlike dag vol wonderlike kos en wyn en heerlike geselskap.
Diaan skat haar wynkennis op 5 uit 10 en sê nadat sy maar altyd rooiwyn gedrink het, het sy nou oorgeskakel na droë wittes, en sy geniet ‘n soetetjie ook terdeë. Dis glo die swael in die rooiwyn wat haar deesdae effens vang.
Jody, wat glo ook baie lief is vir kosmaak en ‘n voorliefde vir Maleisiese geregte en speserye het, reken sy wynkennis net ‘n 4 uit 10 werd. Hy verkies witwyn bo rooiwyn, en veral ‘n lekker sauvignon blanc maak sy knieë lam.
Nadat ons die kwekery besoek en die pragtige natuurskoon gade geslaan en waardeer het, het die wynproe begin. Sewe wyne is geskink en geproe.
Die Mischa Shiraz 2007 het Jody se voete onder hom uitgeslaan en 19 uit 20 op sy telkaart gekry, terwyl die Eventide Viognier 2008 die beste onder die wittes gevaar het, selfs beter as die sauvignon blanc! Dit was sy eerste ervaring van hierdie kultivar en hy was baie verras. Die laagste punte wat hy toegeken het, was ‘n 16½ uit 20 vir die Eventide Shiraz 2006, wat jou wys hoe hy die wyne geniet het.
Diaan het drie wyne 19½ uit 20 gegee, die Eventide Viognier 2008, die Mischa Shiraz 2007 en die Mischa Merlot 2007!
Woorde soos “awesome”, “smooth”, “fruity”, “love it” en “love merlot” het gereeld oor die twee se lippe gerol. Sowel Gary, wat vir die kwekery verantwoordelik is, as Andrew is gepeper met vrae en albei het heelwat wynwyser huiswaarts gekeer.
Maar eers was daar natuurlik die verpligte middagete met die wynmaker en sy geselskap! En nes met hul wyne, het die Barnes-familie nie geskroom om hul beste voet voor te sit nie.
Koedoe Carpaccio is met Eventide Viognier bedien, ‘n hoofgereg van varkfillet (Mischa Cabernet Sauvignon), hoender-roulade (Mischa Shiraz) en biefstuk (Mischa Merlot) het aldrie van ons stil gemaak, en dis afgerond met ‘n sjokolade-mousse wat saam met Mischa Cabernet Sauvignon geniet is.
Net so terloops, Mischa bied heerlike selfsorgverblyf bo en behalwe stap-, draf en bergfietsroetes, roei en swem, en natuurlik wynproe. Gaan kuier dus gerus bietjie daar.
Vir die besoek aan Mischa het Suzuki vir my hul sprankelende en vlugvoetige Swift geleen, die outomatiese weergawe. Ek het tevore die handratmodelletjie bestuur en was baie aangenaam verras met die seepgladde werkverrigting, veral daai ratkas het gevoel of hy sommer vanself die ratte vind, en sy stewige afwerking.
Bo: Gary, Diaan en Jody by Suzuki se vlugvoetige Swift met die wonderlike natuurskoon in die agtergrond.
Nadat ek aanvanklik effe skepties was oor die vermoë van hierdie prettige motortjie met outomatiese ratwisseling, moes ek gou my skeptisisme in my sak steek want met outomatiese ratkas doen die Swift sy naam steeds gestand. En die afwerking sou steeds enige Duitse motorvervaardiger trots gemaak het.
Sowel Diaan as Jody was baie beïndruk met die klein buksie, en hoewel ek groter motors verkies, het ek die Suzuki Swift baie langtand terug gegee. Ek het hom veral in en om die stad geweldig geniet omdat hy rondrits so moeiteloos maak.
Ek dink ek sal een van Andrew se wittes, miskien daai Sauvignon Blanc, met die Swift vergelyk. Jy reken hy’s die moeite werd so op ‘n afstand, dan proe en sluk jy hom, en skielik besef jy hierdie is nie sommer ‘n hierjy nie!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Derek Smedley MW rates Mischa wines

Derek Smedley MW
Derek Smedley MW, is one of the most experienced members of the wine trade as a consultant to merchants and producers and as a director of the Wine Challenge. Derek is also popular Wine Guide
Here are his ratings of some of our wines after tasting at LWTF 2009:
Eventide Viognier 2008
91 Points
There is a lovely perfume on the nose with white peach giving fragrance whilst apricot is there giving more weight. The fruit feels ripe fleshing out the mid palate but there is an attractive lime freshness that enhances the perfumed fruit character
Shiraz 2007
90 Points
The black fruits are very much in evidence on the nose but behind them are some fresh red, raspberry and cherry spiced up by black pepper. The fruit feels ripe and this sweeter character comes through gives some richness to the finish.
Cabernet Sauvignon 2006
89 Points
The nose is a bit tight at first but as it opens up the powerful blackcurrant character comes out. Rich sloe lends weight to the mid palate but towards the back is fresher fruit, bilberry and cherry and they give a lighter feel to the finish.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Stunning winters day.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Some great press for mischa wines

Ballerina swirl Wine Published:Apr 11, 2009
Dancer-inspired blends will have pundits calling for an encore.
Mischa the brand works on so many levels, you’d swear a highly-paid spin doctor had work-shopped it. But no, it’s the serendipitous result of a series of dreams. Nestled on the slopes of Wellington’s Voorgroenberg, the farm was bought by Andy Barns’s granddad John, a photographer for the Cape Times, after the Second World War because he was tired of taking orders and liked the view of Table Mountain.
The name Mischa comes from the dancing partner of his wife Yvonne, a ballerina with Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. There’s wonderful material for an historical romance here: SA dancer performs Swan Lake at the Bolshoi as the diamonds from murdered Tsarina Alexandra’s tiara are sold by Lenin to Ernest Oppenheimer to fund the war against the White Russians … Just one sip of Barns’s white blend of sauvignon blanc, nouvelle and viognier called The Dancer and you can hear the theme tune for Doctor Zhivago and smell the Russian Caravan tea bubbling in the samovar.
Barns’s fiancée Rachel Carrigan hails, like Jimi Hendrix, from Seattle, so no wonder the Mischa wines are rated by Robert Parker, America’s überpalate. They export a container twice a year to the US, although Barns hopes the one this winter will still happen, given the financial calamity.
Parker is the ultimate pundit for American purchases: rated under 90 (out of 100) points, a wine is unsellable. Over 90 and its unaffordable. Which makes Andy’s two Eventide offerings (90 points for shiraz, 92 for cabernet sauvignon) complete steals at R85.
Completely self-taught, Barns refuses to subscribe to wine snobbery, noting only that his flagship red blend, called Cerno (Latin for “to sift, to separate” hence discern), is made from several cultivars. “If I tell you there is some merlot, you’ll pick up those flavours, but I’m aiming for a whole which is bigger than the sum of its parts.” I cernoed some cabernet franc, myself.
There are two brands: Eventide and Mischa, the first consisting of more obvious statements and the second, wines to think about and R25 a bottle more expensive. After all, there is more labour involved. “I start with all my barrels and choose the best one. I then blend in other barrels and accept the result only if there is an improvement. I can repeat this up to 10 times, so in a sense Mischa is 10 times better.”
He’s only been making wine for 10 years. Before that, it was selling vines and today the vine nursery managed by brother Gareth is the third largest in the Southern Hemisphere. To a large extent, that is the secret of their success. Vines grow like an audience of Jimi Hendrix afros: dense jungles of leaves with grapes snoozing peacefully in the shade — something you need to do when the thermometer reads 55°C, as it has done.
The result is a Bacchanalian interpretation of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps with Mischa soaring like Nijinsky out of the primitive jungle of Voorgroenberg. It’s all exotic elegance and the tensile power of an uncoiling, stainless-steel spring, from an appellation which could, without the inspired touch of a gifted amateur, produce nothing better than half-baked, unfortified Port-style dikvoet dops.
· Read Pendock Uncorked at http://blogs.thetimes.co.za/pendock